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Miramar La Cigale – Hôtel Thalasso & Spa

Port du Crouesty
Rue Leen Vihan
CS 60003
56640 Arzon
Tél – 02 97 53 49 00
Fax – 02 97 53 49 37

Port du Crouesty
56640, Arzon
Société par Actions Simplifiées au capital de 4 100 530 euros.
RCS Paris 801 792 748
SIRET : 801 792 748 00023
TVA intracommunautaire : FR95 801 792 748

Miramar La Cigale GDS codes

Galileo: FGB5035
Worldspan: FGVNEMR
Pegasus: FGVNEMR
Sabre: FG227672

Data protection

In accordance with French decree “Informatique et Libertés” no. 78-17 dated January 6, 1978, this site has been declared to the CNIL.

Personal information & confidentiality

The user of the site is specifically informed that pursuant to section 27 of French decree ‘Informatique et Libertés’ dated January 6, 1978, any personal date provided by the user through the forms on the site is necessary to respond to requests, and is for use by Miramar La Cigale only, for administrative and commercial management purposes.
Conformant to article 34 of the ‘Informatique et Libertés’ decree, users of this website have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete any personal data that concerns them. To exercise this right of access, simply send us your request by e-mail or by mail to Miramar La Cigale – Hôtel Thalasso & Spa Port du Crouesty – CS 60003 – 56640 Arzon.


Everything that is contained on the site is protected by copyright. Any reproduction or representation in whole or in part, for other purposes on any medium, is prohibited without the express prior consent of SAS Miramar.
Miramar La Cigale has no control over the hyperlinks and external content that are provided only for reference, and shall not therefore be liable for their content. The user undertakes not to use this website for purposes prohibited by law or not authorised by the imprint.

Protection of content & photo credits

Photo credits: List of photographers whose photos have been used on the site: Gaëlle Le Boulicaut, Denis Ozouf, Eric Cuvillier, Philippe Marchand, Cécile Langlois, Alexandre Lamoureux, Eric d’Herouville, Serge Detalle, Christophe Morin, Stéphane Solal, Laurent Rannou, Sylvie Maffre Berteloot, Aurélie Coudière, HDL France and Willy Bérré.
Video credits: Agence Glob'Eau
These photos and videos cannot be reproduced.
These photos may not be reproduced in any way.

Design and Maintenance

Digitz Agency, 9 Quai André Lassagne, 69001 Lyon
Publication manager: Aurélie DEMANESSE
Website optimised for mobiles, tablets and the latest browsers


OVH – RCS de Lille 424 761 419 – 2 RUE KELLERMANN 59100 ROUBAIX.